Technology partners

  • Technology partners: Forge


    Accelerate innovation with Autodesk’s cloud-based developer platform. Forge helps companies incorporate design and engineering data directly and smoothly into existing enterprise applications, website, or mobile applications.

  • Technology partners: ADN

    Autodesk Developer Network (ADN)

    Accelerate your development process and extend the value of your Autodesk desktop software investment by working with our developer partners, or use these resources to build it yourself.

Autodesk App Store

Browse, download, and purchase apps, solutions, content, and tools for your business needs. Connect with app publishers and explore their technology and services.

Industry Partners

  • AEC Industry Partners

    AEC Industry Partners are third-party technology providers that engage with Autodesk to deliver discipline-specific regional solutions that complement Autodesk software offerings to help solve your business challenges.

  • Technology Partners: Fusion 360

    Fusion 360

    Work with product development partners who can provide you with specialized training, consulting, and direct integrations for Fusion 360.

  • Industry partners: government

    Government partners (US only)

    Government partners allow federal, state, and local government customers to purchase and deploy Autodesk software.

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