Autodesk does not contribute to individual political candidates. We have a longstanding global policy prohibiting contributions at any level. This includes giving to political parties, committees, 527 groups or other independent expenditure organizations. The company does not have a political action committee.
We respect each other’s political beliefs and have policies against pressuring colleagues for political contributions, or to support political candidates, political parties, or ballot measures.
Rarely, Autodesk may engage on ballot measures. The use of Autodesk funds or assets for political activities anywhere in the world must be approved in advance in writing by the Chief Legal Officer and only if aligned closely with our public policy priorities which reflect the company’s interests, not those of its officers or directors. We have not contributed financially to any ballot measure in the last decade, but plan to list any contributions here should we engage on ballot initiatives in the future.
To ensure the company’s government affairs team is promoting policies that align with our corporate values, our impact strategy and appropriately considering the risks of its policy engagement, the Board of Director’s Governance Committee annually reviews Autodesk’s Government Affairs Policy, our trade association memberships, company policy priorities and any political activity.