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Get started with your free trial

Whether you’re just getting to know Inventor or are a seasoned 3D CAD user, check out the tutorials below to see how you can put Inventor to work for you.

Learn the essentials

Parametric Modeling

Parametric Modeling

Design a steering knuckle

Assembly Design

Assembly Design

Create a linear drive assembly

Sheet Metal Design

Sheet Metal Design

Design a sheet metal bracket

Drawing Creation

Drawing Creation

Create detailed drawings of a collar flange

Exploded Views and Animation

Exploded Views and Animation

Build technical documentation


2D to 3D Interoperability

2D to 3D Interoperability

Create a 3D model from a 2D drawing

CAD Interoperability

CAD Interoperability

Work with non-native design data

Key techniques

iLogic Workflow

iLogic Workflow

Configure a custom wheel assembly

Frame Generator

Frame Generator

Design a structural frame for a robot

Shape Generator

Shape Generator

Design a stiff, lightweight part

Electromechanical Design

Electromechanical Design

Route cables using layout data from AutoCAD® Electrical



Create photorealistic visualization with ray tracing

Tube and Pipe

Tube and Pipe

Design a flexible hose system

Design Automation

Design Automation

Generate components of an assembly

Dynamic Simulation

Dynamic Simulation

Analyze a front loader assembly

Inventor shortcut keys

2D to 3D Interoperability

Create a 3D model from a 2D drawing

CAD Interoperability

Work with non-native design data

BIM Interoperability

Export in a BIM-ready format

Boost your productivity with 150+ Inventor keyboard shortcuts.

Download (PDF)